Project Update

Service control system of M/E for MV DANUM 168

Date 22-12-2021 Views: 2681

DANUM 168 (IMO: 9238870) is a Container Ship that was built in 2001 (21 years ago) and is sailing under the flag of Malaysia

It’s carrying capacity is 1078 TEU and her current draught is reported to be 7 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 154 meters and her width is 25 meters.

NICE SEA Company Limited is invited by ship ower to come on board to repair the control circuit to start main engine from engine control room of MV DANUM 168 at Nam Hai Dinh Vu port.

Befor come on board, Covid tests for all reparing teams have been arranged as soon as possible and the Port Authority's permit is issued urgently and fast.

The Nice sea's team was immediately on board to check and solve

  • Electrican checked cirtcuit on engine room control system

  • Checked the connection of the valve: 84, 86, 88, 90
  • Clean the contacts of the solenoid valve pins
  • Checked pressure sensor contacts 83

  • Checked sensor position S6 switch: REMOTE and EMERGENCY not working

+Remove, repair and clean contact S6

+ Adjust contact

  •  Check sensor position S11 switch:

+Remove, repair and clean contact S11

+ Adjust contact


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